Happy Monday everyone!!!
I’ve got some crazy exciting news! Do you remember the Instagram contest where I begged and groveled for your votes over the summer? Well, I was contacted last week, and I won the $1500 Shaw Flooring Giftcard!!!!
Thank you so much to every one of you that voted! I would kiss each one of your sweet little faces if I could! We will be able to get new carpet for our entire basement!
When we moved into our home nine years ago, it was a new home, but the builder had installed cheap, builder-grade carpet. Within a year it was already looking rough, and then after years of potty training three rescue dogs and having a million kids camp out at our house, it looks horrendous. So this was so needed and is so appreciated!
This weekend we took down all of the Halloween decorations inside and outside, and I started building my coffee table. It didn’t go quite as fast as I was hoping, but I will get back on it next weekend.
RELove All Things Shabby (the place I have my furniture booth) is having their Holiday Open House this coming Saturday, and I am trying to get some Christmas projects ready to take down there.
The unnamed child came down with a terrible cold on Friday night, and she and Topher had signed up to run in the Mustache Dash on Saturday morning. It was only 28 degrees, and she felt like poo, but she made it through it and then had to go to work that evening. Needless to say, she did not make it to church on Sunday since she felt like death. She slept in all day and then went to work last night.
My head is starting to feel a little stuffy now too, but I refuse to be sick this week. I have way too much to do.
My mom and I found this next piece at a sale a few years ago.
While organizing the basement hoard last weekend, I found it again. I loved the shape and pretty carving on it, but it was in extremely rough shape. I wasn’t sure whether to stain it or paint it, but I concluded it was too far gone to refinish.
After doing some major cleaning and repairing, I was ready to paint it.
Rebecca, from Junque Boutique, sent me some of her milk paint to try out. I’ve tried milk paint in the past and I really wasn’t a huge fan. So honestly, I was a bit skeptical.
I decided to try the Mason Jar Blue which is a gorgeous color, and was pleasantly surprised.
There wasn’t any chipping (which I was expecting) because the piece was raw wood and the paint really clung to it.
I used two coats, and after it dried I distressed the entire piece. I used the Junque Boutique wax I was sent to try, and I really liked that too! It had little to no odor and went on very smoothly.
I really wasn’t loving the hardware that was on the piece when I got it — it seemed too new, so I went through my old hardware stash and painted an old knob and pull with an antique gold spray paint.
I liked the table and color so much I decided to keep it for my own home. Topher always wants a little table to set his coffee on in the morning, and this will be perfect!
Head on over to Junque Boutique and check out all of the pretty colors they have in their line!
Awesome job on the little table, and loved the outside pic on the river rick road! Nice concept.
You and unnamed child sweetie need to beef up on the Vitamin C this week. Also, I am a fan of Airborne.
Hope u get all accomplished this week…..I am on a mission myself….
Remember to breathe!!!!++++ 🙂
Shanna what a great piece. The turquoise is beautiful and I really love the road backdrop picture. Very creative.
Congratulations on the Shaw contest!! Your video was so cute!! And I LOVE this little table. The photo in the middle of the gravel road is amazing! Sharing and pinning! XO
I am so happy that you won the contest! Congratulations and I can’t wait to see what you buy.
You table looks great and it will be perfect for morning coffee.
Love it Shanna!!! The color is gorgeous and the new (old) knobs are perfect!!!
OH!! and congrats!!!! 🙂
Congrats on winning the Shaw contest and your side table is stunning!!
Beautiful makeover. I love that color!
Such a pretty redoux! I love the color and the knobs!
So FAB! Love the color and the lines of this piece-stunning!
I’m so happy you won! And can’t wait to see what you do with it! That side table is soooo cute! Thanks for sharing! Also wanted to let you know about a new linky party starting this Saturday at 8pm called “Found & Foraged” I think your project would be perfect for it! Can’t wait to party with you at http://www.houseofhipsters.com
Love this piece! I hope you will share it tonight at the Found & Foraged party! It starts at 8PM CST. Can’t wait to see you there http://www.thebigrevealblog.com!