Hello my friends!
I’m excited to tell you that today is our Decor Enthusiasts decor challenge! This month our theme is fabric.
Do you have an area in your house you have always said you were going to get to updating, but a million years later it still looks they way it did when you moved in?
Well for me, that area is the weird little recessed window above my kitchen sink. It’s such an odd little area I have always found challenging to decorate, so I just simply haven’t.
Also I have wanted a cute valance there, but it’s an odd sized window, so I knew I was going to have one custom made … and after looking into that I realized that was not in the budget!
I decided to take the plunge and make my own. If you are a normal reader here, you know that I do not sew — I don’t even own a sewing machine, let alone know how to use it.
What I do know how to use is glue, and that is exactly how I put this baby together!
Let’s start off with the supplies you will need:
- Fabric
- Ribbon (If you choose)
- 3 tension rods
- Fabric glue
- scissors, and
- an iron
I looked through all of the tutorials online for faux roman shades, and the easiest one I could find with the best tutorial was from my friend Laura from Inspiration for Moms. I would give you all of the steps … but I figure you can just click here and she can show you how it’s done.
The only thing I did any differently was to use a different brand of glue, since she had problems with the one she choose.
I literally completed this project in 45 minutes. Plus it saved me hundreds of dollars, and we all know I’m all about decorating on a budget!
I painted the worn honey wood the same white trim as the rest of my house, and it looks much fresher.
I decorated the area with some decor that I had in my hoard closet and some pretty fresh flowers.
I’m pretty happy with the way it all turned out! I would show you the whole kitchen, but it’s the next room I’m going to be making over after the hall bath, so you will have to stay tuned!
Make sure you click the links down below to see the other girls fabric projects!
Don’t forget to join the challenge on Instagram this month #DecorEnthusiastStyle
Join us on Instagram (click on each name):
Refresh Restyle – Duke Manor Farm
Artsy Chicks Rule – Restoration Redoux
Our Southern Home – Confessions of a Serial Do-It-Yourselfer
Are you following the Decor Enthusiast Facebook Group?
We have so much fun over there. It’s a place to share your decorating & DIY adventures as well as ask advice! We’d love to have you! Just remember….it’s a nice group…no negativity allowed. You can find it HERE. Share your Outdoor Decor Projects with us in the group!
Such a pretty focal point for your kitchen now! Love the fabric!! XO
OH! I love your shade, Shanna! Great job, friend! I am so glad you found my tutorial helpful, thanks for sharing. 🙂
I love, love, love the fabric!! So pretty!
I LOVE it Shanna!
I love the fabric! The project looks so tailored and expensive! Just beautiful!
Shanna, I love the shade and your creative idea’s. Thank you for sharing. Keep creating….xo
Love the fabric! Where can I purchase it?